Founded in 2020, the School of Marxism(SOM) is responsible for teaching of ideological and political theory courses and research of Marxist theory.

The predecessor of the School is the Teaching Department of Ideological and Political Theory Courses. In order to deeply implement the spirit of the National Education Conference and the spirit of General Secretary Xi Jinpings important speech at the National Conference on Ideological and Political Work in Colleges and Universities and the Symposium of School Representatives of Ideological and Political Theory Courses. In 2020, the University Board, leaders of CPC Committee and Administration decided to establish the School of Marxism to enhance the University ideological and political work, promote the discipline of Marxist theory and strengthen the construction of ideological and political theory courses. At present, the School has full-time and part-time ideological and political teachers with reasonable age structure, rich educational background and excellent quality. There are three teaching and research departments: the Department of Ideological and Political Theory and Introduction of Mao Zedong Thought, the Department of Fundamental Principle and Outline of Marxism, the Department of Current Situation and Policy Courses and Social Practice. The School earnestly improves the level and quality of ideological and political education and teaching, strives to build ideological and political theory courses into what our students really like and benefit.

The School lays emphasis on the construction of teaching and scientific research team, and has made great achievements. In 2019, the discipline of Marxist theory was listed as a key discipline construction project of the University. In 2020, the course Introduction to the Theoretical System of Mao Zedong Thought and Socialism with Chinese Characteristics was listed as a first-class undergraduate course construction project of the University. In 2020, a teacher of the School won third prize in the Basic Skills Competition for Young Teachers of Guangdong Provincial Education Department. In recent years, one provincial-level project, 4 municipal-level projects, several key research projects at university level have been approved. Six academic monographs in the fields of political theory and humanities and social sciences and more than 200 high-level academic papers have been published.

With adherence to the fundamental task of Moral Education, the School actively explores the mode of cultivating talents in ideological and political courses, and vigorously promotes the reform and innovation in the construction of ideological and political theory courses. Combined with the requirements of application-oriented talents cultivation of the University, a number of practical teaching bases have been established successively, such as the University Student Practice Base in Defeng Village and Jiazhou Primary School, and Practice Bases for Theory Courses in Siqian Township, Shixing County, Shaoguan City, so as to realize the combination of theoretical teaching and practical education.

Remain true to our original aspiration and keep our mission firmly in mind! Based on the construction of Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macao Greater Bay Area, the School will strive to build itself into a well-known School of Marxism among Guangdong private colleges and universities.