The School of Humanities and Education (SHE) is a result of the important measure to implement the new liberal arts strategy. According to the project of “Six Excellence and One Top-notch” Plan (Version 2.0) of the Ministry of Education and the relevant documents of 13 ministries and commissions including the Ministry of Education, the Ministry of Science and Technology, the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology on comprehensively promoting the construction of new engineering, new medicine, new agriculture and new liberal arts, the University 14th Five-Year Plan clearly puts forward the discipline construction goal of “creating characteristic and dominant disciplines and establishing new liberal arts” that adapt to the urgent needs of society. With great importance attached to and increasing support for the construction of the humanities, the integration of the characteristics of the university’s science and technology disciplines and technical resources into the construction of the liberal arts promotes the cross-integration of disciplines and the demonstration of the characteristics of the humanities, and promotes the construction of the new liberal arts with the characteristics of our university, aiming to realize the vision of strong humanities on the basis of maintaining the advantages of science and technology.

In line with the development plan of this discipline, the School of Humanities and Education was officially established in 2022. At present, the school has two majors: Chinese Language and Literature, and Primary Education. In the next four years, it will develop into four majors. The number of students in the school will reach more than 2000. there are 28 full-time teachers, including 11 teachers with senior titles, accounting for 40%, 8 teachers with doctor’s degree, accounting for 29%. With the development of construction in discipline and majors, the school has expanded the teaching staff and built excellent teaching teams by taking various measures such as integrating the campus and social resources, introducing discipline leaders, recruiting outstanding doctoral degree holders, encouraging and supporting the teaching reform and academic innovation of young teachers. Through continuous construction, the quantity and quality of the faculty have been steadily improved with the expansion of the number of students, creating a high-level team of teachers with both integrity and ability.

As the founding majors of the School of Humanities and Education, Chinese Language and Literature, and Primary Education have been highly valued by the university, whose teaching, research, practice and training and other professional development conditions enjoy a good foundation. First of all, humanistic quality education has been attached importance for many years. Relevant teachers have accumulated rich teaching experience by offering courses such as College Chinese, Practical Writing, Introduction to Chinese Culture, British and American Literature, Study of Song Ci, Study of A Dream in Red Mansions, Speech and Eloquence, Mandarin, Educational Psychology, and so on. Secondly, a series of practice and training bases have been built in the years of application-oriented talent cultivation, among which there are nearly 20 practice rooms and bases related to humanistic education. As a Putonghua Proficiency Testing Center in Guangdong Province, related training and tests for nearly 20,000 students and teachers have been organized. Thirdly, the economic and social development of the Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macao Greater Bay Area has a wide and long-term demand for language-centered jobs such as journalism, publicity, advertising, copywriting and publishing. With the implementation of the national “three-children” policy and the rapid population growth brought about by Guangdong’s economic development, the demand for primary and secondary education is also growing strongly. All these conditions undoubtedly provide a broad prospect for the construction and development of our majors, the employment of our future graduates, will also lay a solid foundation for the development of the School of Humanities and Education.