On March 2, Alumnus Zhang Riyu, class of 2011, was invited to speak on how to prepare for a startup to the University Maofeng Innovation Valley teams and members. CPC Deputy Secretary and Vice President Xiao Hai presented a letter of appointment to Zhang Riyu as a mentor. Yu Yonglong, Dean of the School of Innovation and Entrepreneurship hosted the event.

Zhang Riyu started by asking a few questions: Why do you want to create a startup? When is the best timing for you? How to do it? He shared his study, work and entrepreneurial experiences and emphasized the precondition of one’s inner drive, the power of discrimination to identify the State strategy and market status quo, to base any project on such vital factors as profits, market needs, sustainability, sales, management and integrity. His own experiences demonstrate that an entrepreneur must possess these qualities: planning, data analysis, time management, E.Q., constant learning, financial and taxation management. Integrity, above all, is the most valuable for any entrepreneur.

Alumnus Zhang Riyu created in 2014 Guangzhou Yaowei Plastics, a foods and drugs packaging factory, making a yearly turnover of RMB two hundred million in 2022. In 2017, he created a number of farm brands “New Farm Daddy”, “Canton Health Foods”,”Boling Teas”. In March 2020, he helped sixty thousand mothers and university graduates make incomes on his AI E-commerce platform. Since January 2023, he has worked with Southern Medical University and Guangzhou Municipal Government on joint operation of the AID Respiration Brand as an official marketing consultant.