School Program Skills and Knowledge Credit
School of Economics and Management International Economics and Trade 1. Fundamental knowledge

To receive systematic training in economic theory and research methods, learn the basic knowledge of western economics, finance, statistics, accounting, etc., and have a solid grasp of the basic theories, knowledge and skills in economics and trade.

2. Professional knowledge

Understand the laws, regulations and practices of domestic and foreign economic and trade activities, be familiar with the economic and trade regulations of various countries, master the basic principles of domestic and foreign economic and trade activities expertise, be familiar with the business content of business activities, business processes and the Chinese and foreign language writing norms of business documents.

3. Instrumental knowledge

Be able to possess the knowledge of mathematics, foreign language, computer, Internet and other related knowledge necessary for academic research and practical operation in this specialty, be proficient in a foreign language, have strong ability to read, listen, speak, write and translate in foreign language, be proficient in using computer and office software, and be able to use professional database to search and collect information so as to write professional papers and research reports, etc.

4. General Knowledge

Be able to possess a certain knowledge of literature, history, philosophy, art, management, law, etc., understand the development of human civilization and the world's excellent thought and culture, and master the general knowledge of science and the development trend of modern science and technology.
The minimum number of credits to be completed is 156, including 116 credits of required courses, 10 credits of public electives (optional and limited courses), a minimum of 20 credits of specialized electives, and a minimum of 10 credits of extended courses.